the moments inbetween the driving

okay... this is going to be very fast b/c i am super tired. today was quite a long day. got to columbia last nite at 11:30. got up this morning at 7:15, came back and got ready, then left and went tailgating w/ my parents to the MU vs. Nebraska game, then went and got fitted for a dress (which really wasn't getting fitted... it was just giving them my measurements which i could have done over the phone). then came home, watched the game on tv and napped, then went back out w/ parents and their friends - went to addisons and then quintons. luckily everyone pretty much had drank their fill for the day so we didnt go to the fieldhouse. instead came home, watched a movie, then rudy (my dog -- as seen in the picture) decided to sneak out the front door while it was open. freaked us all out. we all take off running looking for him. i was running barefoot (and the ground was wet b/c it was raining and it is only like 50 degrees outside). luckily when he saw my mom he went right to her. but we were all scared. then watched a little more football and now are finally going to bed. tomorrow we're having a big breakfast, then just relaxing w/ the parents (hopefully) and then probably leaving around 2 to head back to nashville, to try and get there by 9, in which i will get in, unload my stuff, pack all my bags for monday and then go to bed again... basically, i need to go to sleep! bye!