sometimes everything is just a big blur.

So not having the internet at my apartment is really starting to catch up with me... i miss being able to write here on a whim. it means that when i finally do get back here, i never know what to say... its approaching 2 months since i've last been here. all in all, i'm not sure a lot has happened. work is still work. probably the biggest thing was going on a cruise with my family. right when hurricane rita was coming through. despite the hurricane and sleeping on dramamine every night, it was quite a good time. i played a lot of bingo and won $600. the bingo boys were nice - one of them was british so i enjoyed whenever he spoke. but at least i realized that i should basically forget he exists. in case you dont know me very well, i have a hard time meetings guys, when they pay any attention to me (even if it's their job - like the good folks on the cruise) .. i think it has something to do with my imagination runs away with me b/c deep down its like i dont believe i could ever really meet a great guy that God wants me to meet and get to know... but since i've been back, i just keep coming back to this thought:
...someday my prince will come...
stopping and believing helps me, reminds me that i dont just want any guy, at any time in my life - i want the right guy, at the exact right time, which is only something God knows and can work out .. so i'll just leave it to him!
other news around the world... i've decided that most adults don't know what to do with people like me - people like me being single people fresh out of college. it is quite frustrating. it is a problem which i am still looking for a solution for.
so that's about it. life still gets lonely. i still am not as disciplined as i'd like to be (like now). nashville keeps running out of gas (yeah, i went to a gas station again tonite and it all said 'no gas').
but in all of this, God is still good, always faithful, full of lovingkindness. church has the potential to get much better b/c they've added something called 'worship in the barn'. maybe i'll write about that later. but for now...i'm just not in the mood to write anything. i think i need to eat. so here's a nice nugget from my bible study...
"worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" ~1 chron. 16:29b
for the praise of His glory,
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