the question: what do i want in life and why do i want it?
this is more for me & my attempt to remember what i wanted to blog about later!
i realized earlier when i wanted to ask someone else this question that i'd actually never thought through it enough myself. the question was: have you ever stopped to think about why you want (or dont want) what you do (dont) in life? for example, i've rarely been one to long for the "american dream" - house, marriage, kids (i might have blogged about that before?) and i know i've thought about it some - as to why that hasnt really been my dream, but it could certainly use some more pondering. and along with this, if these ARENT the things i want, what are? and why? are there things i think i want that really are some sort of pipe dream? things that seem so "nice" (and i'll leave "nice" up for interpretation b/c that obviously means VERY different things to different people) but really could never be possible?
anyway, i'm hoping to spend some time thinking through that this weekend. i just got the movie Into The Wild in my netflix envelop today - i have a feeling that might help get me thinking (from what i've heard - i havent seen it, so dont give it away!!) perhaps these thoughts will make you think too. that's always a good thing.