its about life in a moment.. its about a moment in life. there's a difference, you know. can you see it?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Renewed Moment

So... this was great. First of all, it's day 3 of my first real world job and its a little bit of a challenge to adjust. So I wake up at 6 this morning, an hour early, and of course just keep trying to sleep. I finally get up at 7, when the alarm goes off, and I was just in a bad mood all morning.. I dont know why, it just wouldnt go away. I was getting frustrated about turning down Tokyo, especially after my boss on the first day says "i'm surprised you didnt want to take a month off before you started work..." anyway, it just wouldnt go away. So I'm driving to work, knowing that this attitude is just trouble, and I'm still in training - which means with my boss all day - and having a bad attitude is basically really not good. I started praying, asking God to renew my spirit b/c it definitely wasnt giving glory to Him.. and as I'm driving, I'm listening to Jeremy Camp and his song "I Surrender to You" comes on. Instantly, I knew God had answered my prayer, and that the day was going to be different. The words of the song say "All that I am is for you my savior, I live by your word and surrender to you. Here where I stand in the moment father, my spirit has been renewed, I surrender to you." No joke -- I couldnt actually believe what I was hearing, but yet again, God reminded me that He is with me always, and even if I am in a bad mood, which will happen, knowing that God is still there :)

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..." ~James 1:19

for the praise of His glory,


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