Capture The Moment
I was reading the blog of an old friend tonite ~ it made me miss him and wonder how he was doing. I decided to send him a letter over IM. which of course was relatively short as IM tends to work. it also turned out being a good moment of reflection for me. so i thought i'd keep it here, to in a sense capture the moment.
ebenezerpunk: i hope you're doing well!! life in tennessee is good. God is faithful and teaching me wonderous new things (which are really old things graciously being shown to me again and again).
ebenezerpunk: i'm learning that i dont always get what i want in life. like a new car. or a job where i get to play all day. or a puppy as cute as my parents.
ebenezerpunk: but i'm also learning that the little inkling of hope within me [that keeps saying there really is more to this God stuff than everyone says] is not in vain. that God wants to love me more than i want to love him.
ebenezerpunk: i'm moving into my own apartment in 2 and a half weeks. and then my best friend is getting married the following weekend in wisconsin. i get to wear a pretty dress. i'll send you a picture
ebenezerpunk: well. i think i'm going to go color. you need to give me your new phone number. you can call my phone - that's an easy way to get your number. or you can IM it to me.
ebenezerpunk: or email.
ebenezerpunk: or a real letter.
ebenezerpunk: i miss you. hope you're doing beyond fantastic
I really am going to go color. i told my roommate yesterday that i wanted to paint a picture - she asked if i knew how to paint? i told her it didnt matter. :)
tonite was a good nite. i listened to a woman speak of her mentor, a wonderful woman named Helen. one thing she said that really struck me... let's see if i can remember. the speaker was telling helen that she was having trouble staying awake in the mornings when she got up to try and read her bible. she asked miss helen for advice and helen said "two people dont set their alarm to make love" - the speaker didn't know exactly what to think of that. and helen told her than if, in her approach to God, she started with discipline, she would fall off every time. she said it's when

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." ~Isaiah 30:21
for the praise of His glory,
p.s. this is one of my little girls. i love her to death :)
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