cozy moments or (gloves and sleeping bags!)
Well, just thought I'd take a little visit to my blog while I'm on my lunch break. i do miss having the internet at home and being able to get on and blog any time. blog... seriously, who came up with that term? it is just pure silliness.
anyway, so yeah, i'm at work, a week from tomorrow is my 6th month mark! that is exciting, i've almost made it 6 months! yesterday and today have both flown by so fast at work - that really is quite a feat, i dont know how it happened, but i'm loving it!!! i wish everyday went by this fast. and even tho it's 80 degrees outside (yeah, nov. 8th and 80 degrees... that also makes no sense!) however, my work is sooo thoughtful - they realize that the temperature outside should really be closer to 65 and so since it's not that cool outside, they let the office be 65 degrees instead!!!! so i dress in layers, in fact, my fingers are so chilly now that i'm going to put on gloves ... okay check .. gloves on... typing feels pretty funny bc i dont think i'm hitting the right keys, but for the most part i am!
anyway, what else. i'm looking to make a big investment at rei today - buying a new sleeping bag! the one i want is $169 which is basically rediculous to spend on a sleeping bag it seems, but it's a reallyreally really nice one and hey, if it means i can actually go camping for real, then i'm all about it! i'm going to try to postpone buying new boots and bag, but we'll see.
this weekend is going to be great - finally getting to go back to Apex and to dayton...i still laugh everytime i say that b/c to be excited to be going back to dayton is really funny b/c dayton is a basically ghetto town, i never thought i'd want to go back there or miss it so often. but i do. i'll be missing a big event at my own church here in nashville this weekend and that is unfortunate, but i think it will be worth it.
other exciting news, my brother just got a new job!!!! he is moving to st. louis which means that's what we may spend our thanksgiving break doing - moving him into a new apartment! my mom seemed to feel bad if that's what we did all break, but i think it's great! anytime i get to spend with my family i just love. i swear, i just love them more and more and more every day. and to get to help jake transition, i'd feel pretty lucky to get to be a part of that.

well... lunch break is over. time to go back to work! (the gloves are making a huge difference by the way!) here's a picture of the sleeping bag i'm going to try to buy! too bad i dont even know how to say the name of it! doesn't it look cozy! i'll be sure to let you know!!
But King David replied to Araunah, "No, I insist on paying the full price. I will not take for the LORD what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing." ~1 chronicles 21:24
for the praise of His glory,
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