The Start of a New Day.
well, no matter where you stand, you can't disagree that tomorrow will be the start of a new day.
you may not think it's a good day, or you may see it as a great one, but either way it is the start of a new day. it has been interesting over the past week to hear bits and pieces of why different people voted the way they did - it was certainly a beautiful picture of the democratic process and how privileged we are to have the right to vote for our leaders.
today at work proved to be one of the slowest ever - I'm pretty sure that's because after work I was going to vote and it couldnt come soon enough. and then the evening went by so quickly that I completely missed the process of states reporting in and the count toward the president elect. before I knew it, I was being told that Obama was our man & McCain was giving his concession speech. I missed that, but over the next day or two I indeed to read all the articles, hopefully get some sort of review of how things went down tonight. I know Arkansas ended up going to McCain by a rather large percent (I think he had 57% from what I last saw), and Missouri technically hasnt gone one way or another.
I feel like I need time to take in this historic moment.
I feel so much anticipation for what is to come.
I am very eager to see what action comes within the next four years, and how our world changes (whether it be for the better or the worse) with President Obama.
Unlike any time previously, I feel an urgency to pray for the Obama family's safety, for wisdom and discernment to be given to our President, and for us, as citizens, to move once more toward unity. I pray that those issues we feel so passionately about, that we might find a way to continue fighting for them on a personal level. I pray, as the President Elect stated, that we would step up and claim responsibility individually and as a nation.
At work today, in anticipation of what the evening brought, I looked once more at a quote I posted up in my cube so many months ago that says,
Hope is the bedrock of this nation; the belief that our destiny will not be written for us, but by us; by all those men and women who are not content to settle for the world as it is; who have the courage to remake the world as it should be.
I most certainly feel a swell of hope within me. Surely more thoughts to come at the Start of a New Day.
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